
About Mighty Peace Pet Cremation


Our primary goal is to help you through troubled times by picking up or offering a place to bring your animal companion for cremation. Veterinarian, general home and emergency home pickup is available. We charge $0.50 cents per km from Fairview, but rates may differ when animals are being picked up from a veterinarian clinic.

If you require assistance please call Jack. Hillie and Jorden are also available to assist. If we miss your call, please leave a voicemail. We will call back, weekends and evenings included.


Same people, same service, new location as of December 13, 2021

Jack & Hillie 
820034 RR 35
SE 6 82 3 W 6

Two miles west of Fairview AB go north on Rr 35 for half a mile . The Fairview Kennels or on the West side (Left) of the road.

Drop of time for your pets are from 8am till 6 pm. After hours there will be a $10 dollars service fee.

If you require assistance please call:
Jack’s Cell:  780-251-0248
Hillie’s Cell:  780-251-0288

Email: mightypeacepetcremation@gmail.com

Learn about our kennel service